how much time should you spend on linkedin well i’m posting this video on linkedin as well as several other social media sites i think it’s one of the most important websites to be on and to spend as a professional make sure that you’re interacting and engaging and commenting and liking other people’s posts because that’s how we network it really is truly is the business networking site and environment for the modern age if you don’t have a good presence on there the the chances that you can get a new job or get a promotion or get new work out of it and increase your business these things are limited so if you’re looking to enter a new field if you want to make a career move you want to move to a new state definitely consider how powerful and how well built out your linkedin profile is and if you’re not spending a lot of time on it maybe you log in once a week or once a month or you haven’t even logged in on this year think about how you can start to log in i’m on linkedin every single day and i’m talking to people i’m engaging i’m connecting i’m sending out connection requests it’s super super important i have 20 000 plus followers on linkedin and that’s because i’ve been working it it didn’t happen overnight i’ve been working consistently since 2016 2017 is when i decided to really pick up linkedin and i’ve been using it daily since then so it really requires a commitment it requires posting regularly talking with people and commenting and engaging to to pull off a successful linkedin profile and to get the engagement and get the increase in business and connections that will come from it when you put in that effort and that energy so joffield with skype studios i wish you the best with your linkedin profile go out there and rock it