Google Local Page SEO Trick
Google Local Page SEO Trick
Google Local Page SEO is possible to increase using the spam that happens on occasion where a scammer tries to send messages in regards to a project or other spam like messages.
Typically these are just annoying and something that most people ignore or delete. But the point of this article is to make sure that we’re not ignoring these as that help hurt the SEO, rather we want to actually use the spam messages to increase our Google Local Page SEO.
So how does it work?
Every time that a spammer contacts the page, we want to interact with that person with the exact keywords that we’re trying to rank for in response. For example, I had a scammer contact my page asking for a web design project (see screenshot at top).
What I do is reply to this person with a certain saying that we do web design and web development (the keywords I want to rank for). When they ask for me to send them a quote, I say yes we usually get website designs done quite quickly, and I continue to just keep responding to them with keyword laced sentences.
We do web design and website designing and things like this, the keywords that I want to rank for. It’s important to always have the last say and not leave the messages unread as this affects your overall Google Local Page SEO.
Google is tracking how often messages are responded to and how quickly they are respond to, so if we ignore spammers it will affect our SEO score in a negative way.
Responding consistently to them and interacting with keywords in the messages improves the overall Google Local Page score as it is showing interaction with customers. Yes, it’s kind of an annoying situation but this technique is making lemonade out of lemons.
Have a Google Local page tip or a question about your Google Local page SEO? I would love to help you with your Google Local Page, fill out the contact form located on our website here and I will help you out as soon as possible!
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