hey there this is Jophiel with SkyPoint Studios and today I want to talk about what is a moonshot so in terms of software development a moonshot is a project that is so unlikely it will succeed that it’s very similar to like trying to go to the moon that’s why it’s called a moonshot and some examples of this are Uber Airbnb uh you know creating the next Facebook basically if if you want to make the next Facebook or you want to make the next Uber the chances of you succeeding are so slim that you might as well buy a lottery ticket because you have about the same odds of creating a software at that level and if you are a if you’re new to business you’re a newer entrepreneur you don’t have a lot of experience under your belt especially with startups the chances of you succeeding are extremely slim and there’s a term called hopium h-o-p-i-u-m hopium which is what happens when people are in this founding of these things that they think is going to be a unicorn or going to be a moonshot and it’s basically like this excitement like this addictive excitement that they have like oh we’re going to be on a yacht oh I’m going to be so rich oh we’re going to be laughing to the bank no it’s going to end up really really sad so unfortunately a lot of startups fail and the bigger the moonshot the more chances it’s going to fail I’m not going to say they all fail I’m not going to discourage you from following your dreams that’s not the point of this video point of this video is to be aware that when you’re trying to make the next Uber the chances are if you don’t have the right team the right funding and just the right amount of luck you’re not gonna make it most likely and it’s just being realistic and being aware so that’s why there’s a term called moon shots and unicorns so this is Jophiel with SkyPoint Studios hope this has been illuminating you enjoy my videos thank you for watching I will see you on the next video