hey there this is Jophiel with SkyPoint Studios and today I want to talk to you about the al app owl what is al al is a really cool platform that allows you to go live and get calls for your business because you’re an expert in your business and it’s really neat because it’s an application where you can actually go live on the platform and people can call you through the app so if they don’t necessarily have your phone number but they can call you for 10 minute blocks of your advice and you get paid for that advice so you can set your hourly rate on the app and you can go live and someone can call you like right now I’m live on the app someone can call me for web design advice or SEO advice or mobile application development device and they get 10 minutes of my time and I will be able to advise them consult them and if they like my energy and my presence and what I have to present and what I have to say then they can move on to becoming clients so it’s a really cool lead gen opportunity for you to have people call you for a 10-minute block of consultation and then you can convert them into clients if they really like what you’re saying so instead of paying google ads or Facebook ads to get clients down the funnel you can actually go live on the al app and people can pay you to then consult with them and then turn into clients so it’s flipping the whole lead gen on its head is a really cool application if you’re looking for an invite to the al app I would love to send one to you just comment down below that you’re interested in getting onto the platform and I would love to help you out I’ll show you around I’ll even call you to make sure that we work it all out and that you can be able to take phone calls properly and help you through the process so I encourage you to check it out al is going to be the next big social media app I really really do feel that so this is Jophiel with SkyPoint Studios and thank you so much for watching today