hey there this is Jophiel with SkyPoint studios and today I want to talk to you about where is the best place to get WordPress themes that are actually high quality and will work well for my web design project well there’s a lot of different places on the web and if you try to just google search WordPress themes you’re going to end up in some really weird places with themes that are not really the best and we don’t want to just search them inside of the WordPress installation because those themes also aren’t very good the best place to get quality themes from the top developers in the world is themeforest themeforest.net that is I’ve been using that platform for a long time since 2008 or so and it has the best high quality developers what’s great about it is that those themes are all reviewed by people so people who have used them have left the reviews oftentimes the top developers will have thousands and thousands of reviews they offer premium support which means if you have an issue you can submit a ticket and the theme developer will actually help you through those issues so that’s the best place to go if you’re looking for a specific type of theme like a cooking theme or construction theme you can put those keywords in the search and you can find themes that are developed specifically around those particular concepts it’s a great place to go I highly encourage it they also have a plugins market they have other type of software as well it’s all high quality so I would really recommend that and like I said try to avoid searching in other places just going on google and things like that so this is Jophiel with SkyPoint Studios if you have questions about themes and which ones to choose drop me a line you can find me online just google SkyPoint Studios or you can google web design billings Montana we’re the number one listing gelfield SkyPoint and I will talk to you soon thank you