Facebook does not message on the app in regards to copyright violations, these are always scams


have you received a message to your Facebook page from supposedly from support stating that you have a copyright infringement on one of your images that you have on your Facebook page well I had a client who reached out to me recently who said oh no we I have to change something in my flyer that you did for us because it’s a copyright infringement here’s the message I received and uh I kindly share it back with him that no that’s a scam uh Facebook’s not going to ever reach out to you and say that you have a copyright infringement on your Facebook page and that you need to change your documents so if you notice if you look at who’s sending these this one specifically was like some some something advertisement it did not say Facebook it’s not from the Facebook support team it’s not at the actual facebook.com URL and Facebook will not reach out and say this to you anyways so I want to make this video for anybody else who’s received any type of violations or any type of issues with their page you can get them in your messages you can get them on your uh posts these are really really prevalent right now and what they’re trying to do is get you to click on a link to enter your credentials for your Facebook so they can hack and take over your Facebook page this is how people get their Facebook pages hacked a lot of times it’s because you’re looking at what looks like a very threatening ominous warning message that says that you’ve done some type of violation to Facebook and you need to log in and you need to check such and such Facebook will never do this to you not on the platform so like Facebook has your email address if you ever have anything that they need to talk to you about they’re going to email you directly and it’s going to be at a facebook.com uh email address check to see what the email is that it comes from but this is on the platform so we’re talking about the messenger we’re talking about on your post that you made and you’re it’s it’s you can see it they’re clearly totally frauds you can see it but so that’s something to look at and I’ve seen this happening over and over again and many people have lost their accounts over this is one of the most common ways that you can lose your Facebook account and then they’re going to use your Facebook account to post ads and post L bad links and get people’s we uh computers infected they do all this type of stuff so this is how they get in it through social engineering but trying to claim let their Facebook and that you’re doing something to violate and for you to lose your account and ironically what ends up happening if you respond to them or interact with them at all is that you end up putting in your credentials and you do lose your account after all so that’s kind of a ironic funny thing um so in the concern that you might be violating Facebook you end up giving your credentials over to a hacker who’s in some other country and they end up taking your Facebook and doing things that are actually would violate the page to cause it to to get suspended so it’s kind of an ironic thing but I want to make this video as a heads up if you have any questions about this or if you you know if you’re concerned about a specific message certainly you can message me down below take a screenshot of the message show it to me I’ll let you know but usually you can tell Facebook is not going to ever respond to you with copyright information about like that and if they ever do it’s going to be from the facebook.com support team which they email you directly but those things don’t happen so 99% of the time it’s a scam and you can just ignore these block them delete the messages don’t let their messages stay on your post just you know you can delete you can block you can report them but just get rid of them don’t let them stay on there because there could be other users that come along click on it and then they could lose their accounts and you just don’t want to help.

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