Why is creating high ranking SEO websites valuable to the web developer as well as the client?


Why is it beneficial as a web developer to create websites for clients that rank high on Google or have good SEO well the way it works is that most web developers put a tag at the bottom of their website showing that they built the website so for example ours is web design by skypoint Studios and that links to our website so every single website that we create has really good SEO baked into it from the very beginning we optimize every page we put in the right type of plugins and we use the right platform which is WordPress so we make sure that we optimize the SEO right out of the start gate for the clients whether they buy an SEO package or not they’re going to get a website that’s already optimized and the reason that it’s beneficial for the client is because they’re going to get more calls they’re going to have a higher ranking website but ultimately the reason why it’s also beneficial for us as a web design company is that it adds up all those tags on all of our client websites that are ranking High creates a more valuable link proposition for our company so we have all those websites out there that are all linking to us that we’ve built all those sites they’ll link to us and because those websites have high SEO that in turn leads our company to have high SEO because every single page of our customers website has that web design by a sky Point Studios because it’s in the footer on every single page that links to us so we’re getting the SEO juice of all of those clients so it’s in our best interest as well as a client’s best interest to make sure that the website ranks really well and is a good built website that Google is going to like we also do things like promote on Facebook and Facebook groups when someone’s looking for you know a plumber or roofer or realtor we’ll go ahead and drop our clients websites in there give them a shout out not only is that a nice thing to do for our clients because we believe in that and we believe in their businesses but this also increases the SEO of their website and in turn increases the SEO of our website because they’re all hyperlinked together so it’s something to think about SEO is so deep and rich in thought process and it goes so many layers deep so you really have to think about a big picture A big Network when you’re thinking about SEO it’s not just one little thing here one little thing there it’s not some tool that you use a lot of times SEO people try to claim to use tools and that’s what they’re they’re using sem rush or Moz or some other uh you know hot frog SEO or something like that and they’re like oh well I know how to use this and so I’m a good SEO that’s not what SEO is about SEO is about all the little details like what I just shared in this video if you’re an SEO expert and you’re not doing or not understanding what I’m talking about in this video or you never heard about it before this is what I’m talking about it’s about understanding the little details that add up so it’s when you do lots and lots of little details over a long period of time you will eventually rank your website at number one like our website is we’re number one in multiple different markets number one in Billings number one in obviously number one in Vegas we’re number one in a lot of markets that we serve because we look at all the little details just like what I’m talking about in this video so hopefully that’s helpful for you no matter what if you’re a business owner or if you’re a web developer whatever think about how all the little details add up and are you on WordPress are you set up with the right plugins do you have a lot of content do you have a lot of backlinks are you posting on social media regularly these things all add up and if you’re not doing those things regularly definitely think about adding that to your workflow and finding someone who can help you I would love to help you I’m a web developer here and I can serve you anywhere that you’re at thank you so much for watching my videos as always and I’m gonna see you on one.

Read Next: What does a web developer need to gather from the client to create a successful website?

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