WordPress 6.3 just came and it’s the most user friendly version of the popular website software yet!


WordPress 6.3 just came out and here’s what you need to know about the new update for WordPress and what it changes to the most popular platform of web sites out there so WordPress runs the majority of the web it has 45 market share of all small business websites and they just updated their new software which came out it’s called Lionel and it’s really cool because they have made it so it’s just as easy to work on WordPress and update things as a lot of the drag and drop Builders like the wixes the Squarespace they’ve created a software in the system that allows you to add blocks and chunks and things like that and it works just like those easy editors so anybody can run WordPress now to get the best of the best as far as software as far as optimization but they also can just optimize it to work for themselves how they need it so it has like best of it so you can do it’s really really easy editing and update things yourself but also have a really good SEO site so that’s important because the problem with those other sites are the squarespaces and the wixes is that they don’t have their own database so rank well on Google but WordPress has its own database and is able to rank really well on Google and compete and that’s the most important thing for websites is that they compete so go check out the new update if you haven’t updated your WordPress yet definitely go to 6.3 and make sure you’re there because it also has some security patches and things like that as well if you need help from a web developer to update that for you it definitely could help you out but I recommend checking it out WordPress is definitely the best place to put your website if you’re looking to build your small business if you have products you may want to look at Shopify WordPress and Shopify are the two best platforms out there when it comes to web design there’s really nothing that touches those two platforms WordPress is the best for search optimization coming up on Google Shopify is the best for customer experience when shopping those are the best in their category it doesn’t matter what anyone tries to say about a Squarespace a Wix about any of these other platforms that are out there none of them are very good compared to those two which are the gold standards in the industry so if you’re looking for a web developer I’d love to help you out with your website either updating it or creating a brand new website of coming up first in your Market locally is super important and that’s something that I’ve mastered we’re in number one in multiple different markets Billings Montana put in web design and Billings Montana you can see Sky Point Studios my company is number one we’re also with number one in Henderson area in Vegas we’re number one in Havasu area we’re number one in Boulder City area we’re the number one in Parker Arizona sorry number one in multiple different markets and I can do the same thing for your business as well definitely would love to help you thank you so much for watching this video this is joefield with Sky Point Studios and I’m gonna catch you on the next one.

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